Inventory of 20 kinds of inorganic powders for plastics

Plastics are important products for production and daily life in today’s society. The use of inorganic powders can effectively improve the physical and chemical properties of plastic products and enhance the performance of plastic products.


Wollastonite is a natural calcium silicate (CaSiO3) with a light white needle-like structure. The aspect ratio (L/D) of processed wollastonite can reach more than 15/1. It is a fibrous inorganic reinforcing filler in plastics.


Talc has a flaky structure and has a significant reinforcing and modifying effect in plastics and rubber. It can improve the tensile strength, impact performance, creep resistance, heat resistance, tear resistance, etc. of plastic products.

Barium sulfate

The natural ore (barite) is crushed, washed and dried to obtain barite powder (also called heavy barium sulfate). Barium sulfate has excellent properties such as chemical stability, scratch resistance, heat resistance, high refractive index, outstanding sound insulation, heat preservation, and high gloss.


Mica is a layered aluminum silicate mineral with a unique structure. In addition to its reinforcing effect, it can also improve the air tightness, optical properties, and insulation properties of plastics.

Glass beads

Glass beads have the advantages of high temperature resistance and low thermal conductivity. When used to fill plastics, they can not only increase the wear resistance, pressure resistance, and flame retardancy of the material, but also its special spherical surface can improve the processing fluidity of the material; in addition, it has good surface gloss, which can increase the surface gloss of the product and reduce the adsorption of dirt on the surface.

Magnesium hydroxide

The chemical formula of magnesium hydroxide is Mg(OH)2. It can be prepared by chemical methods or obtained by crushing brucite ore. Magnesium hydroxide has a flame retardant effect. After surface modification, it can be filled into plastics to achieve the effect of smoke suppression.

Aluminum hydroxide

Aluminum hydroxide is a compound with the chemical formula Al(OH)x. It is used as a flame retardant, smoke suppressant and filler in PVC. Since it reduces the mechanical strength of thermoplastics when used in them, it is mostly used in thermosetting plastics.


Zeolite is a framework-shaped, hydrated alkali or alkaline earth metal aluminum silicate mineral. Its specific gravity, nanoporous structure, adsorption and chemical resistance can provide new development space for expanding the application of plastic products.


When used for filling and modification of plastics, it can improve the insulation strength of plastics. Without significantly reducing the elongation and impact strength, it can improve the tensile strength and modulus of thermoplastics with low glass transition temperatures. It can act as a nucleating agent for polypropylene, which is beneficial to improving the rigidity and strength of polypropylene. It has a significant infrared barrier effect.

Glass fiber (GF)

Glass fiber has high mechanical strength, elastic modulus, heat resistance and insulation, and is usually used to reinforce composite materials. GF ​​can effectively make up for the shortcomings of biodegradable plastics, and can also significantly reduce the cost of products and expand the application range of biodegradable plastics.


Montmorillonite is a hydrophilic layered silicate material. Because of its nanometer size, it has a nano effect and can effectively improve the performance of polymers. Especially after modification, its application range is wider.


Other inorganic powders

Nano silicon dioxide has relatively stable chemical properties and a large specific surface area, which can effectively improve the strength, wear resistance and aging resistance of resin-based materials.

Rutile titanium dioxide can increase the reflectivity of light as a plastic filler and play the role of a light shielding agent.

Fly ash has the advantages of small specific gravity, high hardness and good fluidity.

Carbon black is generally used in the plastic industry for coloring, UV protection or conductivity.

Black inorganic minerals such as black talc and black calcite can partially replace carbon black. While fully utilizing mineral resources, the production cost has obvious advantages.

Using bentonite as an additive for degradable materials can replace starch and other chemical additives to reduce costs.

Halloysite has unique tubular nanostructures and good water dispersibility, different properties of inner and outer walls, high adsorption, biocompatibility and other unique and excellent physical and chemical properties.

Molybdenum disulfide is an inorganic compound composed of molybdenum and sulfur, and its chemical formula is MoS2.