Diamond Micro Powder Development Trend

Diamond, commonly known as “diamond drill”, is a mineral composed of carbon. It is an allotrope of graphite with a chemical formula of C. It is also the original form of common diamond. Diamond is the hardest substance naturally existing in nature.

Classification of Diamond Micropowder

Diamond micropowder refers to diamond single crystals that are crushed, shaped, purified, and graded to form micron and submicron diamond powder. According to the source of raw materials, it can be divided into natural diamond micropowder and artificial diamond micropowder.

Classification of Diamond Micropowder

Single crystal diamond micropowder is produced by artificial diamond single crystal abrasives, which are crushed and shaped, and produced by special process methods of superhard materials.

The structure of polycrystalline diamond is composed of numerous tiny nano-scale particles bonded by unsaturated bonds, which is very similar to natural black diamond (natural polycrystalline diamond with black or dark gray as the main color).

The role of different types of diamond powder

Traditional diamond powder can be divided into two categories, polycrystalline diamond powder and single crystal diamond powder. With the development of nanotechnology, nano diamond powder has been used and paid more and more attention by people.

Polycrystalline diamond powder

Polycrystalline diamond powder is made from graphite using a unique directional blasting method. The shock wave of the directional blasting of high-explosive explosives accelerates the flying metal flakes and hits the graphite flakes, causing the graphite to be converted into polycrystalline diamond. Polycrystalline diamond powder is characterized by brittleness. Its particle shape is irregular quasi-circular block, and the surface is rough and uneven.

Function: Mainly used in chip optical crystal/ultra-fine processing, large silicon wafer ultra-fine polishing, surface modification and other fields. The spherical polycrystalline diamond powder has a gray-black appearance and a slightly metallic luster.

Single crystal diamond powder

Single crystal diamond powder is produced by static pressure method artificial diamond single crystal abrasive, which is crushed and shaped by special process methods of superhard materials. Its particles retain the single crystal characteristics of single crystal diamond, and its crystal shape is a regular and complete hexahedron, with high strength, toughness and good thermal stability, and strong impact resistance.

Function: Suitable for the manufacture of electroplating products, grinding wheels, grinding wheels, and for polishing, engraving, automotive glass, high-end furniture, ceramics, cemented carbide, magnetic materials, etc. of high-grade stone. It is an ideal raw material for grinding and polishing high-hardness materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, gemstones, optical glass, etc.

Nanodiamond powder

When the grain size is less than 100nm, it is called nanodiamond. It not only has the excellent properties of diamond, but also has the unique properties of nanomaterials such as small size effect, surface effect, quantum effect, etc. Therefore, it has the dual characteristics of nanomaterials and diamonds and has a wider range of uses.


(1) Application of fine grinding and polishing. Nanodiamond has the characteristics of both superhard materials and nanomaterials. It can be used in the polishing production of precision parts and for ultra-fine processing of quartz, optical glass, semiconductors, alloys and metal surfaces. The surface roughness value Ra can reach 2-8nm.

(2) Application in the medical field. Nanodiamond can be used as a biological carrier in medical research, and can also be used in wear-resistant coatings on the surfaces of artificial bones and artificial joints to extend the service life of artificial bones and joints.

(3) Application of high thermal conductivity packaging materials. The composite material prepared by adding nanodiamond to a metal high thermal conductivity matrix is ​​expected to become a new type of electronic packaging material with both low thermal expansion coefficient and high thermal conductivity.

Diamond micro powder has a wide range of uses, such as cutting tools, diamond wires, grinding pastes/abrasive fluids, etc. Different application scenarios have different requirements for diamond micro powder, and specialized development is conducive to the development of diamond micro powder. Undoubtedly, diamond micro powder is an indispensable abrasive for the development of products towards high, precise and cutting-edge, and its application prospects are broad and its application fields are also expanding.