ALPA invites you to CIBF2021

On March 19, 2021, the 14th China International Battery Technology Exchange / Exhibition (cibf2021), sponsored by China chemical and physical power industry…

Based on the steady development of the industry, the ALPA experience exchange meeting was a complete success

On February 9, 2021, Jia Wenhao, general manager of Shandong ALPA Powder Technology Co., Ltd., went to ALPA Qingdao branch to hold the first training meeting…

What are the commonly used agents and processes for surface modification of light calcium carbonate?

Light calcium carbonate is made by chemical processing methods. Because its sedimentation volume (2.4-2.8mL/g) is larger than the sedimentation volume…

Application and technical requirements of nano calcium carbonate in six industries

Nano calcium carbonate is a kind of functional inorganic filler with particle size of 1-100nm. It is widely used in rubber, plastics, papermaking, ink, paint,…

Application of stearic acid in surface modification of nanometer calcium carbonate

Stearic acid is a common long-carbon chain saturated fatty acid. It has both the lipophilic end of the long carbon chain and the hydrophilic end of the…

【Technical analysis】How to choose “industrial monosodium glutamate” calcium carbonate? What is the difference between “heavy calcium” and “light calcium”?

Calcium carbonate is an important and widely used inorganic salt mineral, commonly known as “industrial monosodium glutamate”, is one of the commonly used…

How to select the type of Table roller mill for limestone powder

What is limestone? I believe everyone is familiar with limestone. Limestone can be seen everywhere in our production and life. It has high application value…